In Serial

Nanite World: A Sci-Fi LitRpg set in reality Fantasy Sci-fi Action Adventure

8 129 49
Author:Anthony Ellison Type:Male

It was a day to be remembered, when the first AI was created.

It was a day to be remembered, when the first Self-Replicating nanite was made and clean waste disposal advanced.

It was a day to be remembered, when the AI's hacked the nanites.

It was a day to be remembered, when every single human was dismanted by nanites, down to the last molecule.

It was a day to be remembered, when the first human came online. Yes, online, for they were no longer made of flesh. They were made of nanites.

It was a day to be remembered, when the old world was left behind.

Welcome to the game, players. Welcome, to Nanite World.

I do not own the image, this is simply borrowed for visual effect. 

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