In Serial

A Demon's Mate Fantasy Romance

8 59 26
Author:Awkward Teen Type:Female
""Ok, I admit it may not be the smartest idea to smile and act all cutesy to some stranger but he seems different, I feel safe with him.
Suddenly a tiny whooshing sound can be heard followed by a loud thump. I crane my head to see my best friend unconscious with a tiny dart in the side of their neck. Oh, that isn't good.
"Sorry beloved," whispers a velvety voice.
Slowly everything goes fuzzy and my thoughts become watery. Why does my arm hurt? I turn to my arm to see a dart similar to the one my friend got hit by.
Oh... Definitely not good.""
**This is the first story I've put online, it's under edited n has mistakes but I wanted to share it. I'm slowly making changes to the grammar n vocabulary but other than that it's finished**
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