In Serial

The Alpha's Beta (BOOK 1)

8 130 27
Author:EssexWriter Type:Male
"My daughter, will never be in charge of this pack, so get that idea out of your head"
I'm absolutely gob smacked, I decide to put the earlier idea from my head into words to see what reaction I would get. With a slight raise in my voice, I put my point across.
"And whys that? If Tim wasn't born, I would be next in line for the Alpha's place"
"I would give the title over to my brother, our Beta. I would not give the title and the pack over to my little girl!"
Oh, I see where this is going, he doesn't think id be able to manage it. Right now I'm seething with rage. My voice again, going louder, with a growl added to it
"So you don't think I'd be able to run this pack, because I'm a girl!"
I look back at my dad, he's panting while holding back growls, his eyes go black, he's physically shaking trying to hold his wolf form back, he's claws come out, crushing the side of his desk.
I carry on looking at him, head held high, I will make my point that I wont back down on this issue. My dad lifts his head and practically shouts so the whole pack can hear him.
"The reason why you wont be Alpha is because of what happened the last time another Alpha stepped foot into my territory!"
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