[Cryoverse] The Last Precursor Tragedy Sci-fi Drama Supernatural Psychological
One hundred million years ago, an unknown cataclysm rendered humanity extinct. After conquering seven galaxies and becoming a super-civilization, terrankind vanished from the cosmos. Time passed. Their animal descendants (Cats, dogs, and crocodiles, among others) all evolved and Uplifted themselves to become the new overlords of the Milky Way.
But the newly Uplifted were not ignorant of the past. How could they be? Countless records lay scattered among the stars of the ancient Precursor civilization which came before them. Their ancient facilities and installations dotted countless worlds. Their superweapons fell into the hands of the Uplifted, and countless wars followed.
Once the Uplifted established their empires, a tenuous peace followed. Finally, it seemed as if the old wounds had begun to heal, leaving only a cold war that stretched on for several centuries.
But what they did not know was that one human had survived. One last Terran, a super-soldier employed by the most powerful military humanity had ever conceived.
Jose Rodriguez awakens from stasis sleep to find himself alone, his entire species wiped from the universe.
He is the last living Terran.
He is the Last Precursor.
Do you like Astartes? Do you like Deus Ex? Ever read Chrysalis? What about this music video? How about this one?
If you enjoyed several or all of the above, you will enjoy The Last Precursor :)
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