Heroes of The Collective Volume Three : Repercussions Sci-fi Action Adventure Drama
Enhanced Beings. Humans with the ability to do something astonishing. Some learn to use it for good. Others for bad. But most are content with the 9-5 and walks with the dog.
But use it for bad, you’ll answer to… The Enhanced Beings Collective! USA’s taskforce in the fight against Enhanceds who threaten America’s national and global interests.
Actions have consequences and the members of The Enhanced Beings Collective are not exempt, finding that the repercussions coming their way will take them to places they’d not imagined for themselves, mentally or physically.
In Volume Three : Repercussions, Amber Hamilton’s new management restructuring will bring new changes to how The Collective work… and who they work with, as she brings in two new members of her own. The more the merrier, right?
Justicia and Pan settle into their new roles as Agwé discovers the truth around her resurfacing, Proten struggles, Sediment Terri keeps a secret and The Astral Sheriff has lives at stake in his hands.
Coming soon: Woodland Warriors and The Rodeos Vol 3!
New releases: Friday
Also posted on Wattpad.
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