In Serial

A Requiem For The End Fantasy Action

8 230 46
Author:LemonBread Type:Male

Yuga wakes up on a cold, frigid land entirely covered in snow. Where was he? Who was he? Neither of these could he remember but he didn't have time to think of it, he could tell danger wasn't far. A quick death if he failed to avoid it. 

It was fast approaching and much as he tried to escape, it quickly caught up with him. 

Luckily he had survived, but was he just lucky or was there something more to him.....?

A Requiem For The End is a fantasy story set in a world.......well, quite different from most stories you might have seen (I honestly don't know how to better describe it). Early into the story (prologue) the world feels elusive because you slowly learn about it through the eyes of Yuga. As you read on questions may arise in your mind and mysteries will present themselves. The answers to them will come the further you read. 

I'd like to think the plot is a bit larger than the average and same goes for the world building. If you find this story intriguing then all I can say is - There's a lot for me to tell, hop on? 

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