In Serial

To The Far Shore Fantasy Romance Sci-fi Adventure Slice of Life

8 239 34
Author:Warby Picus Type:Male

Post apocalyptic Oregon Trail.

The apocalypse has come and gone. And come back again, and left again... nobody really knows how often. Nothing lasts forever, but nothing is ever completely gone. Which is a shame for young Mazelton, as his family has been around a terribly long time, and made an astonishing amount of enemies. Millenia's worth. So he has to run- from mobs, cannibals, soldiers, sailors, cholera, cattle, thieving sales-monks, starvation, mechanical horrors, vengeful spirits, negotiating your own marriage, and poison of every sort. Fortunately, his not terribly nice family has trained him well in the arts of core polishing. Or as you and I might know it- turning radioactive pellets into useful tools. And weapons. 

Updates Monday-Wednesday-Friday.

Usual defensive tags applied. The goal isn't exactly family friendly, but you have probably seen worse on network TV. After the watershed. Not full blown HBO, let's say.

This is the first novel I am sharing publicly, so feedback is very much appreciated and encouraged. Act 1 of the novel is completed, but do please let me know what works, what doesn't, and what you would like to see more of. Thank you, and Enjoy!

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