The Immortalizer Fantasy Action Adventure
Walter was a mage, and Walter wasn’t happy. Oh, being able to bend the rules of the universe to his whim was nice enough, but he yearned for the freedom of choice. Maybe he would have wanted to be a farmer, a baker or a shoemaker? How would it feel to live a life like that?
So, Walter made a plan: He would achieve true immortality. Not just living forever – that part was easy, especially once you realized that a human body was more of a hindrance than a help. No, he would create a way for him to become a new person and live a new life as many times as he wanted. And he would sacrifice everything to achieve it.
So, meet Walter – just as he is about to realize his dream of becoming someone else.
Full Blurb:
Walter, a gifted mage turned undead Lich, has created a highly complex ritual that allows him to transfer himself into a newly created human body. This is supposed to allow him to live whatever kind of life he wants, whether it be a peaceful farmer, influential merchant, courtier or beggar, again and again.
The first life he chooses is the exciting one of an adventurer – a government-funded guild of mercenaries that protect the citizens of his country from the ever-present monster threat. He wants to learn to fight monsters, enjoy the friendships and camaraderie of his companions, explore the land looking for long-lost ruins and make lots of exciting new experiences, all while staying completely under the radar.
Of course, things aren’t going to work out that way.
New chapters every tuesday, thursday and saturday!
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