In Serial

The Otherworldly Treasure Hunt Fantasy Mystery Action Adventure

8 375 24
Author:royalroader Type:Male

Vic, our protagonist is whisked away from the confines of his bedroom to the strange land of the Otherworld, by the whims of a mysterious being.

All in the name of finding some cryptic 'Grand Treasure' except... he wasn't the only one kidnapped and nor are all of the inhabitants of the Otherworld paticularly friendly. So, while Vic has a lot of questions, we have to ask...

Will he survive?

Will he find some treasure? 

Will he really be able to get back home? 



=====Summary Over=====

Yo, if you are reading this then (like me) you like to read pretty much anything, including some guy's random rambles. Well you could read this story if you want but what's the fun in that really? I'm pretty much writing this (my first) story on a whim so it is certainly not perfect nor is it likely to be good (but what do I know maybe I'm secretly talented). It also might have tons of tons of errors beacuse I'm dumb and sometimes it's just so boring to proof read and you just wanna send a chapter out y'know. Regardless, whether this story brings you the most euphoric delight or illicits the most intense abhorrence I wanna know what you think and how I can improve, reader person, especially if you read this far! ( please reveiw or something)

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