Worlds Divided Flara’s Journey Fantasy Romance Tragedy Adventure
Flara is a spirit fox that comes from the world of Love and Nurture. She thought of her world. It's all she ever known and it's the greatest truth she's ever known. All the foxes and other creatures there are patient, kind, gentle, and honor each other with the greatest respect. All opinions and feelings are valid here. It feels perfect, it feels right. But something has always troubled Flara. If love and positivity exist, then surely their opposites must exist as well. There is talk about balance here and that you can have one thing without the other, but she always kept these feelings to herself because of their deviant nature. She always wondered how she could know full love and nurture if she never experienced what was not? How could she fully enjoy it and understand if she never knew why they were important? She has kept these feelings deep inside and now it's eating her up. She meets another spirit fox named Tarot from the world of Devastation and Sorrow. Together, they go on a journey to find balance between the worlds and set new rules for them before they merge into one.
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