In Serial

Lifeward Fantasy Mystery Sci-fi Adventure Supernatural

8 167 20
Author:Ponts Type:Male

A journey across reality itself, where magic and science entangle themselves in ancient ruins, primal civilizations, fantastic creatures and space travellers. Marta is being chased by the Indirian Monarchy. Her only hope is to reach the Free Counties and start a millennial war that will decide the very nature of reality.

What are the stakes? Well, the universe is surrounded by ether. This substance erases reality, thus it stops the universe from expanding. But the Indirian Monarchy’s plan will reroute the ether to the center of the universe with a magic canal, freeing the universe from its limits. When reality is affected by the ether, everything related to it disappears: the proof of its existence, the memories people hold of it... Marta will be key in an epic spacetime bending war.

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