In Serial

Astrayed Absolution Fantasy Romance Action Adventure Supernatural

8 190 26
Author:hayon Type:Male

I hav? lift?d th? curtain to show th? t?uth about th? Kingdom.

I am disclosing ou? f?llowm?n ou? d?f?cts, ou? vic?s, ou? culpabl? and cowardly indiff???nc? ??sulting in ou? own mis??y.

In my l?tt??s, I t?i?d to co???ct th? ha?mful accusations against ou? p?opl?. I b?ought out in th? op?n th? sad stat? of ou? count?y, all ou? g?i?vanc?s and f?ust?ations. Thos? g???dy f?ia?s, thos? co??upt l?ad??. Th?y who gov??n ou? land, you say w? should app?al to th? Celestial Kingdom, but how?

Th? Kingdom is d?af and blind, th?y won’t h?a? ou? c?i?s, and th?y won’t s?? ou? suff??ings. Inst?ad, th?y s?nt imb?cil?s and c?iminals to gov??n us. W? a?? t??at?d lik? animals. I know most of you a?? af?aid, but f?a? mo?? fo? you? famili?s.

A?? w? going to simply watch ou? child??n b? kill?d? Ou? wom?n abus?d, ou? fi?lds plund???d, ou? id?ntiti?s and dignity ?obb?d b?fo?? taking action? A?? w? to ??main sil?nt? 

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