In Serial

Warped Romance Tragedy Sci-fi

8 105 27
Author:TheMonster Type:Male

Torven Montgomery just wants to make things better. As an heir to a Lordship with an inevitable career in politics, he aspires to change the world. But, he's not quite sure how to. 

Mea Kaika is a strong willed woman who is trying her best to forge a path for her people's freedom. She has undertaken the huge responsibility of leading Ka Po'e - The People - as they seek civil righteousness in a foreign land. 

Torven is torn between choosing following his predestined path to power, or his heart. 

Things can get pretty twisted with these two. After all, love can you make you do crazy things. 

Enter a world of clashing cultures: a vivid, nature-conscious island people thrust into the high-tech consuming world of Aruga, doing their best to survive. Join Torven as he navigates through the difficulties of morals within politics, within love, within duty. 

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

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