The Song of Souls Romance Supernatural Psychological Horror
WARNING TO MY USUAL READERS: This is not my usual style of story. I've decided to turn this into an anthology of short one-shot stories, that are very atypical of my usual stories or style. Some will be horror, others romance, and others just stupid silly ideas I have. Basically, a collection of shorts I write when I need a break from my usual writing style. I'll include a summary at the start of each "chapter" telling you what to expect. MAKE SURE YOU READ THE SUMMARY! The content and quality of each story will probably vary wildly. (One is even a horror romance featuring an eldritch horror. I promise it's weirder than it sounds.)
If you do want to check out my usual writing, be sure to take a gander at my ongoing series, Of Men and Dragons. It's a bit of a long haul at this point, but hopefully it's worth the read!
Cover: By Gej302
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