In Serial

Alternate Worlds Fantasy Adventure

8 240 46
Author:Shadow Prism Type:Male

This is actually a group of short stories I did some time ago. The first group are 3 stories, all starring the same Protagonist but with different foes and ways of how the stories play out. Past this I have other story lines that I have done this with and will likely use this heading to put them out there.

- Note: The Book Picture is the location of the Portal the car went through. There are 4 such statues set across from each other and then two of the large pillars, set across the street from one another.

New Story Line: Lost is about a man lost in a world that Used to have summoned hero's, ones where the mages who did the summonings did not close the pathways properly, so sometimes people from all across time, space, and dimension end up falling in to their world. Some become heroes, some 'Demon Lords' and some something else.

I have 3 versions of this story which I will put here, one chapter a day. 2cd version was massively flawed, which I only realized while sharing it. As such I am skipping it and moving on to the 3rd version.

The 3rd Story of Lost is about a man who mysteriously fell in to a world based on video games, complete with leveled zones, levels of skills, professions and so forth. Being from a world like ours, with the knowledge of these things, gives him a decided edge and better potential than normal.


New story -

New Life, Old Soul is the story of a man who used desperate experimental magic to grant himself a new life in a new world. This is an Iseki story with a single twist as no outside force dropped or summoned this soul to its new life. Come and see what sort of world and life this willing traveler of Realities unknown experiences.

I will try and post once a day, though times may vary depending on my the wierdness that is my life. ^-^


Cosmic Chaos

A Void Maker tried to destroy several realities, by forcing their crystal shells in to each other. The AOs of those realms fought back the best they could, including a desperate play of opening random portals between the divergent universes and the void. Several things, peoples, and animals fell through these portals. In the grand scheme of things very little of this had long reaching consequences. However, Some of these universes gained new time lines from these events.
This is a story of one such event, of one very lost traveler dropped in to a very different world than the one he came from.

Tags: Isekai, Gender Change (Male to Female), Magic, Drama (lets face it most of my stories have a bit of this in them even when I don't tag them thus, though I don't know how 'Realistic' the characters are.)


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