In Serial

Meet Me in Another World: For You Fantasy Comedy Adventure

8 122 47
Author:ArbieKrae Type:Male

Five years have gone by since Michael last opened Lunar Masquerade, an MMORPG where you don’t choose a class, a calling chooses you.

Yet, here he is, awake inside the game, naked in a circle of arcane symbols.


But, when he finds that the one to summon him is no other than his fiancée’s character, Selrah, it soon dawns on him that they may have left the game, but the game continued without them.

No longer Michael, but Mythril, and a few quests and a raid later, he is on the run. His summoning no accident, he must flee the very person he thought he could rely upon, not to mention an ego-maniac of a guild leader, and a forlorn ostrich named Audreg.

His calling changing to one thought only of legend, his companions a womanizing bard and a noxiri too fond of daggers, Mythril must regain his strength and reach the Feylands, before another calls upon the ancients leading the world into destruction once again.

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