The Knower Fantasy Romance Action Adventure
Since the beginning of time, the King has always gifted his children with a title at the age of 15. The title would impart knowledge and give them gifts to find their way in life. A Farmer would learn more profound mysteries of the soil, and a knight would learn how to protect. It wasn't as if each title was a surprise, but some would get unique titles and become great names in the annals of history.
Oli, A young elf, doesn't get his title at the age of 15 but receives news that he is being prepared for great things. The King intends to mold him into his agent on Gaia, a man who knows all things. An agent who will fight the Grot of the soul that comes with disgracing the creations of the King.
With Inspiration from great works such as The Name of the Wind, By Patrick Rothfuss, or The Riftwar Saga, By Raymond E. Feist, Oli is called into the schemes of the world.
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