The FINAL Dungeon Fantasy
A "young" unnamed gem, one blessed with the sentience required to regulate the world's mana, is suddenly thrust into the limelight when every other Dungeon is destroyed. Will its empowered abilities and wits be enough to survive a hostile world...?
The Elder Goddess of Magic, Mystiq, is caught off-guard when an upstart New God decides he might be better for the job. With the destruction of much of her work, Mystiq is the weakest she has been in eons. Not all is lost, but if what is left cannot rise to the occasion... It might as well be.
The Final Dungeon and its crippled Mother are forced to fight for their lives against a revolting pantheon, unhinged zealots, and the occasional adventurer. Do they even stand a chance? Would they… if they had a few extra chances…?
~ I've been on this site for a couple years now, and have wanted to get into some real writing for a while. Hopefully this goes alright. Time to stop dreaming, and time to start doing. ~
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