In Serial

Malevolent Fantasy Mystery Action Supernatural Martial Arts Horror

8 71 40
Author:SamuelwMc Type:Male

Within a generation, the sky, once blue, bled a deep scarlet. Feral beasts roamed the lands and mutated men ravaged civilisations. They carved destruction in their wake. The spawning of new idols worshiped by cultists marked a terrible turn. Finally, a crippling insanity plagued the very few survivors left.

Written in the journals of antiquity, lost in time, a scholar wrote: ‘This horrific cataclysm that we face was brought about by humans…’

However, these events are long gone. A longstanding peace has descended to Orbis. Yet, to spite the efforts of the saviours of yore, a progenitor of this calamity has been invited back by ritual. It seeks the return of these very ancient events. A silent peril is on the way.

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