In Serial

Unknown Stars Romance Tragedy Sci-fi Action Adventure Harem

8 97 41
Author:Zed Type:Male
It's 2424 A.D. and mankind is rapidly expanding throughout the stars, propelled by drives that bend the very fabric of spacetime and allow near instantaneous travel across tens of light years. It's a new golden age for humanity.
But not all is right with the universe, and sometimes it's your turn to have a very, very bad day. A young boy is thrown through space to an unknown land, a land of savage warlords, tyrants, ‘gods', and marvels.
Amid the chaos, blood, and filth of this new world ruled by inhuman, immortal, self-styled demigods who have long ago succumb to their own madness he'll always be close to the comfort of death.
How will he come to live in this depraved land among unknown stars?
Well you'll have to read it to find out. Blurbs always sound super lame anyway, don't they?
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