In Serial

Salvation of the Empire Romance Tragedy Action Historical

8 117 38
Author:GloriousDeath Type:Male

One man with the hope of millions of frightened people. One man with the power to save a crumbling empire. One man with the ability to unite what has been divided.

In a war-torn era, The Crisis of the 3rd Century, a period of both internal and external unrest and turmoil in the Roman Empire, the greatest of all time, meet Aurelian the Restorer of the World, most underrated emperor of the antique.

In an alternative scenario where history unfolded in a different way than we used to know, our hero shall pay any price necessary, sacrifice anything demanded of him and destroy anything in his wake for one single thing, for one simple dream.

The dream of Rome, the whisper of history, of greatness and civilization, of morals and of conquest. A dream surpassing generations, centuries, millennia.

A dream still breathed today.

The dream of an united world, a world in harmony and peace.

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