Of Misclicks and Magic Fantasy Action Adventure Psychological
What happens when those given power of unimaginable proportions fulfill their objective and become without aim? Some may continue to use it wisely, but, more often than not, it is abused. In so many isekais (or fantasy stories in general), the protagonist remains a beacon of morality with the temptations of power seemingly non-existent.
In the world of Luvitov, however, upon the demon king's demise, the heroes splintered and their intentions became warped with their new immortal lives. They engage in an endless power struggle for the only ones that can oppose them is each other.
Here in this world of might and magic, a reincarnated man makes a small mistake, he accidentally skipped the skill and stats screen in the process of reincarnating. His stats are nothing but ones and has no innate skills or talents. He sits yearning for a life undetermined by others.
If you have reached this point and are willing to put up with my garbage along with my inconstant uploading, then welcome and I hope that you find some enjoyment out of this, even if aimed at myself.
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