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Author:Tenori Tejima Type:Male

—A Celebration of all things chess... Shounen Sports–manga Style.

Anasthese is the current reigning World Champion for the Junior Chess Female Division. For years, she's wanted nothing more than to beat the Male Division Champion, Rei. These two are considered prodigies way ahead of their age; none of their peers even come close to holding a candle against them. But be that as it may, Anasthese too, cannot hold a candle to Rei... She's never beaten Rei once he's serious.

Anasthese has always considered Rei the best of her generation. It's her lifelong goal to beat and surpass him. That's why, when Rei's cancer had become fatal after their 3rd year running, Anasthese took it hard.

Rei will die, with her never having beaten him, not even once.

Things take an unexpected turn when Rei reveals that he is far from the "invincible" player Anasthese envisions him to be. Even he has someome he could never beat, not even if his life depended on it... a fellow apprentice who studied with him under GM Amane. A guy so-called "Net".

This enrages Anasthese. A person stronger than Rei should not exist. Because if he did, then what has all her efforts for the past years been for? And if this Net "does" exist, why doesn't he challenge Rei for the title? Rei tells her it's not that simple...

Net's playstyle is void. It's an enigma. It's chess that should not exist, and should physically not be possible to play. It goes against all logic, and it's power is not something that can be measured in numbers. It's something that would "absolutely not work" in a professional setting.

Anasthese attends Rei's funeral as a last rite before setting off for Japan, bound towards the disintegrating Futenma Shintenkan Highschool chessclub, of which there are only two members left: Mukuro and Net. She has to see it with her own eyes, a playstyle that Rei lost to...

And as Anasthese stays for the long-term, various misadventures are started at Futenma High, including rebuildung the club, Anasthese's "Royal Guards" (four girls dedicated to serving Anasthese and helping challenge Rei) coming to take her back to America, and unexpected guests gracing the local Sports Meet chess scene.

From a guy who can only play well everytime money's involved, to a girl who plays on a weird "Magical Girls vs Orcs" chess set, get introduced to the quirky playstyles that make chess wonderful.

(Disclaimer: I am not a chess pro, I'm only 1400. Expect me to have no idea what I'm talking about at certain times...)

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