Treading Twilight Fantasy Comedy Action Adventure School Life Martial Arts
Reia Welsh was a student Photomancer who attended Decorous Academy for magical knights, typically wouldn't find herself on either end of the bullying stick, which was pretty impressive considering a multitude of authoritative clubs for the social elites happened to oppress and rule the school with an iron fist. But constantly watching such transgressions from the sidelines proved to go against every moral bone in Reia's body.
She was a knight, right? And Knights protected people!
And as such, she's going to do something about it-but the consequences she might have to face just may go deeper than the school's very own foundations. With only a few months left before graduation, will she be able to change Decorous for the better? Or will conspiracies, twisted ideologies, dark forces, and mystical beasts intercept any chances she has at reaching her goals?
Join Reia on her bizarre knight journey.
And see, as the redhead cowered at the foot of a locker, they petrified him right there and then in a blast of snow-like powder that came out of one of the bully's hands without the single utterance of a spell all there was a blue instantaneous glow...then the kids from Deck 52 walked off all the while goofily wiggling their bodies.
"Hey, why don't you dance with us Peter, c'mon do a little dance."
"It's just a petrification spell Peter, don't be down..."
"Yeah, dude."
But of course, the victim couldn't so much as move his thumbs let alone dance a fool.
⚠️Caution Mature Content ⚠️
⚠️Mature Language⚠️
⚠️Mild Drug use⚠️
⚠️Graphic/Exaggerated Violence⚠️
Chapter {{idx}} {{name}}
Chapter 1 1 || Confrontation Is The First Step
Chapter 2 2 || Reia Vs Brick
Chapter 3 3 || AfterEffect
Chapter 4 4 || With The School Watching
Chapter 5 5 || The Great Shunning
Chapter 6 6 || The Art Of No Surrender
Chapter 7 7 || Starlight Disciples
Chapter 8 8 || For Our Friend Blanket
Chapter 9 9 || Confronting the Trenchcoats
Chapter 10 10 || And So the Game Begins
Chapter 11 11 || There Can Only Be One Winner
Chapter 12 12 || Please Save Symone Smithers