Dark Bushido Action Martial Arts Psychological
Author:potato of darkness
The times are dark and nothing is holy anymore. Ronin run amok, and Samurai are simple thugs. Someone needs to put things back in place.
My master is dead, and nothing stands in my way. I will change how things are run, or die trying. if that cannot be achieved then I will tear down this country, and build it back up.
Stone by stone if need be.
The way of the Warrior is a sacred and holy oath, one that should not be disobeyed. However, that is exactly what i'm going to do should other paths fail me.
May whatever divine being that watches over the world grant me strength and damnation.
My master is dead, and nothing stands in my way. I will change how things are run, or die trying. if that cannot be achieved then I will tear down this country, and build it back up.
Stone by stone if need be.
The way of the Warrior is a sacred and holy oath, one that should not be disobeyed. However, that is exactly what i'm going to do should other paths fail me.
May whatever divine being that watches over the world grant me strength and damnation.
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