In Serial

Rise of a Scarlet Devil (Regular+Draft Version) Fantasy Action Adventure

8 200 39
Author:Leilin Type:Male

 A young girl slain during a war was brought back to life by some unknown force millennia later. She could only remember a vague face within her memories, uncertain as to who it was but there was one thing she did know. She needed to kill that person. But she was too weak, she needed to hide, to grow. She needed to flee from the battlefield her enemy reigns over. And to do so, she needed to run eastward, towards Helios, a safe haven for those who have lost their homes in the war. And where she would grow to become the strongest Hunter under her own strength. What was it that brought her back? Only time will tell.

#Author's Note

The novel is organized like this:
Regular Chapters (Act, Title, Part (ranging from 1 to 9))
Draft Chapter Disclaimer
Draft Chapters (Entry Number, Perspective, Title, Part (ranging from i to ii))

Regular chapters are edited chapters that reflect the story aspect more while Draft chapters reflect plot progression more. An occasional interactive chapter will appear in the drafts but nowhere in the regular chapters. Expect changes when reading between Regular and Draft chapters as some events in the story may change in length or entirely removed/changed. Only read the draft version if you want a future view and/or opinion on the story and design elements.

 The main character is a human from a fantasy world reincarnated as a devil. The story possesses Reincarnators, Transmigrators, and Summoned Persons. though mainly focusing on Magic and other abilities such as Aura and Skills. Wizards (those who prepare arcane spells) and Mages (those who use elemental magic) are separate but seen as the same by common inhabitants of the world but clearly defined as different by more influential persons and by the circles themselves. The main character WILL not be a Mage or Wizard but will incorporate mana into her attacks to aid her as does any high-rank combatants. The system in the novel quantifies a person's abilities and keeps record of them but does not define natural ability, occasionally granting special abilities as skills to a person once prerequisites are met. There is no leveling system and no occupational systems in the novel featuring only a stat based and skill based system.

Also, this novel is my first and will most likely be trash.

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