A Primeval Future Fantasy Action Adventure
Follow the story of a modern caveman as he learns to survive, thrive, and shape his nascent civilization in a world yet untouched by man.
Expect a focus on the nitty-gritty of primitive living, especially early on. I plan for this to eventually progressing to the settlement management and politics stage as people gravitate towards the one guy who looks like he knows what he's doing, but this will likely take some time.
Despite the occasional system elements, skilling and levels will not be a part of this story. No shortcuts.
There will be violence and there will be sexuality but there will be no sexual violence. I hate reading that crap and I hate writing it even more.
This is my first serious foray into writing. I plan to put out at least 1 chapter a week, more when I can.
Constructive criticism is very much welcomed as are ideas and suggestions!
Cover image credit:
"Mesolithic camp site" by Wessex Archaeology is licensed with CC BY-NC 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.0/
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