Gates of Doom Fantasy Comedy Sci-fi Adventure Virtual Reality
December 2069
What were your plans for getting old? A well maintained pension and a trip around the world, a nest-egg and that little cottage in the country you’ve always dreamed off, Or (in the case of this author,) dying just before retirement age so you didn't have to worry about not saving money. Well luckily enough we all got it wrong , and our lives are now spent in virtual worlds, smiting orcs!
Gates of Doom was one of the first big MMO realities , where players could experience an ongoing world of fantasy , daring , romance and danger. Not only was it a great place to adventure , but as gamers got older and entered retirement age ,they spent more and more time connected to it's virtual lands .For many of them 'Gates became their home. Now after many years , and a gradual decline in popularity , Gates of Doom has new owners with new agendas and has been revamped and rebooted . Is players are taking their first steps in a very new , and very different world..
Chapter {{idx}} {{name}}
Chapter 1 1. The End of the world as we know it...
Chapter 2 2...and I feel fine.
Chapter 3 3. Adventures in comparative religion
Chapter 4 4. Teaching a G.O.D. new tricks.
Chapter 5 5..Time to get really Serious..
Chapter 6 6. If the healer ain't happy...
Chapter 7 7. ….ain't no one happy.
Chapter 8 The art of getting up , and the art of getting ready to lie down.
{{score}} {{readcount}} -
New Spartan
8 132 -
A Step Behind Death
8 105 -
The Ingress of Dreams
8 124 -
8 114 -
The Hybridz | TBZ✔
8 186 -
Unearth The Shadows
8 85