An Unexpected Adventure b> Fantasy Comedy Sci-fi Adventure
In the United Galactic Federation (UGF), there exists a crew feared by both allies and enemies alike. The most famous Eldritch Starship to ever exist, The Dream Destroyer, has finally got a crew. It is made up of crazy ex-convicts, pugnacious veterans and troublemaker recruits. It is the first time in history that The Dream Destroyer has got a Captain and a group of people crazy enough to be willing to crew it, both in the same generation.
They either win or die.
They have never lost a fight.
They are monsters in a sentient beings skin.
And the one who stands above them all, their Captain is a reincarnated human.
They either win or die.
They have never lost a fight.
They are monsters in a sentient beings skin.
And the one who stands above them all, their Captain is a reincarnated human.
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Chapter Selections
Chapter {{idx}} {{name}}