In Serial

The Necromancer's Notebook Fantasy Mystery Sci-fi Slice of Life Horror

8 151 49
Author:Emerson Fortier Type:Male

Typist's Note

History of File #004789301:

-Original stored in filing cabinet of one Detective Greary of Arkham police department until death in 1913 from heart attack, then moved to “Cold Case” cabinet in main office.

- Originals relabeled “Case File #0003876: Evidence: Open” and moved to APD sub basement one, cabinet 08. July 8th 1925.

- Box labeled “Case File#0003876: Evidence: Open” moved as part of district consolidation to Boston Police Headquarters Retention Room 10, row 9, shelf 5. April 30th 1975

- Contents of Box labeled “Case File#0003876: Evidence: Open”, reviewed by Retention Clerk Casey Damaset #11238 and labeled for removal. Contents of original documents typed by #11238 and refiled as document #004789301 in Final Retention cabinet January 2nd 1993 before originals were destroyed.

Originals comprised mostly of handwritten notes stored loose leaf in a box with no discernible organization or order. For the most part seem to have been pulled from the same notebook approximately two inches by four in dimensions, bound along the spine like an old pocket book. No indication was made anywhere of the manner in which these documents came into the original officer’s possession. They have been recorded in the order in which they were found, with appropriate notes included to indicate where materials have deviated from the norm. Priority for retention: Low. Labeled for destruction at Final Retention Cycle end 2010.

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