In Serial

Ace Romance Drama

8 93 37
Author:CrimsonKnight- Type:Female
Imagine seeing someone unable to buy food because they didn't have the money. Then randomly a stranger decided to pay for something as simple as breakfast....
"That will be $3 dollars " the lady in front of the cash said, the boy began to frantically look for his wallet.
"Here you go" I smiled passing her the 20 dollars. "Also, can I get a yogurt the fruit cup and a bottle of orange juice please" the boy stood in shock as the lady passed me everything.
"Here" I say as he stares at me still in shock "thank you... I'm sorry l-"
"Don't worry about it" I then fist bumped him and walked away.
Little did Annalise know that within 12 years that boy would grow into a dashing, charming and may I add extremely handsome man.
"I will treat you like a princess.... No one will ever hurt you I promise." He looked deep into my eyes as if time itself stopped.
Thank you to all my readers I wouldn't have ever imagined reaching 200K readers, I'm very thankful to everyone.
I truly hope everyone enjoys reading!!
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