In Serial

The OP Adventures of Joe Fantasy Action Adventure Harem

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Author:Rikocet Type:Male
Follow the adventures of Joe! All kinds of crazy stuff is gonna happen to your average guy who one day awakens to some insanely op powers. He has little interest in petty things and with a perfectly neutral moral compass he immediately decides its best to just enjoy himself and mess around! Though it seems as if some other beings have other plans for him...
I want to take this story all over the place, though it originally begins on Earth so never fear if your worried about staying on boring ol' Earth.
I may add some more tags later on if the story goes in that direction. Let me know what you like about the story, what you don't and what you want to see happen. If enough people actually get interested then I'll probably start doing frequent uploads with chapters that will probably greatly vary in length but will never be really short.
Also let me know if there are any mistakes!
Mature tag for: Gore, excessive swearing, sexual content and etc.
(Now with sporadic updates!)
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