Gaslgiht Comedy School Life Supernatural Psychological Horror
There is a common line of questioning that falls upon students within their first moments at Kingsly. “Why?”. The student asks, “Why am I here?”. This is a futile line of questioning.
There are those who remember, and those who do not. I’ll spare you the technical explanation — that’s what we have teachers for. The jist is as follows: those who remember are... how do I put this... more likely. They occupy more time. and the space that time has allowed them — the pertinent amount — is experienced no matter what. Allow me to offer you a bit of personal information: I am not one who remembers. There is no time relevant to me, no space that I occupy. I exist by carving myself here, and continue to exist in the same fashion. You would do well to follow suit.
Why am I here? Because I force myself to be. Because the universe, the universes, for all its kicking and screaming, cannot escort me out.
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