In Serial

The Crest of the Emperor Fantasy Romance Action Adventure Harem Supernatural Martial Arts Psychological

8 166 32
Author:mroshan74 Type:Male
This is my first time writing a story.I was inspired by other fictions in royal road and some chinese xianxia novels.So please point out the mistakes, so I can edit in the future.
Happy reading........ :)
A man who rebelled against the heaven to protect his loved ones and lost everything.
An ancient beast who reins over absolute strength and wisdom, curious to explore the unknown.
When their fates intervene, an overlord descent to the world.
-The characters still in development stage, although I have a rough sketch of plot, I shall change it as the story progresses making it more interesting.
-This story has MATURE content, intense killing , sex and usage of foul language.
-Being my first story, please excuse my grammer and spelling mistakes.
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