In Serial

Wars, Massacres and Undeads Fantasy Tragedy Slice of Life

8 123 40
Author:Komodon Type:Male


Elena is a normal, 13 years old village girl, living with her parents, playing with her friends and listening to the stories her old grandma tells her. This all changes, when the King's knights raid her village and kill everyone she knows and love.

Will Elena be able to survive in the wilderness on her own, and finally take her revenge? And how will she fare against people from other worlds, ethereal beings and gods?


First, English is not my main language, this will be filled with errors (though I hope the free version of Grammarly will come to my aid)

Second, though this is a litRPG fiction, I will not use Blue Tables. I hate making those.

List of Books (Contains REAL BIG Spoilers):

Book I : Undeads - Follow Elena as she develops her abilities as Necromancer, and meets her first ally.

Book II : Wars - It is finally time. After years of preparing and gathering Undeads, Elena is ready to take her revenge. But a surprise awaits her at the end of her path.

Book III: Massacres - [ WIP, depends on B. III ending ] This is the story of a relationship frowned upon. A Demoness and a Paladin of Ulhan, the God of Light. But how do Elena, Elia and ??? get involved in this? Fate sometimes makes mistakes.

Book IV: The End? [ WIP, depends on B. III ending ] A mysterious entity is ravaging the Continent Elena lives on. Who is It? What does It want?

(I don't own the picture used as cover. I found it here:

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