Vemödalen: From The Other Side Fantasy Adventure Supernatural Horror
War is coming - And when it comes - And where it comes - And whence it comes - The living shall envy the dead
One to carry their sword in the name of their goddess and lady, to protect their land and people against the threat of the wicked. They know their path to be the righteous one.
One to roam the land, hunting for all apparitions, and be scorned by man and beast alike. They know their path to be an arduous one.
One to wander the realm in search of power, to protect themselves and what they believe in. They know their path to be the only one.
Writers note:
The first chapter will set the standard in terms of mood for the remainder of the story. It also comes to no surprise to me that half the people who read the first part stop reading any further. It has quite a bit of the good ‘ol ‘ultra-violence’ mixed with a great deal of realism. As much as I could fit into it from my own knowledge and experience in the elite forces.
The first few chapters will be slow, after, but starting from ‘Restless Destroyer’ the remainder of the world will start to open up, and when we hit ‘Adronitis’ the prologue is largely finished.
The novel is well thought out and filled with hidden lore, culture, history. So even if my word choice appears random – it’s not. There is a reason why these chapters take as long as they do.
Vermodalen is fantasy adventure, with magic and heroics in an as realistic setting as I could fit. Things are rarely what they seem, and the ugly nature of people bleed through the letters at the turn of every page.
I hope you can give this story a fair chance, even if it isn’t immediately to your taste.
Lastly, english isn't my first language. It isn't my second one either. So, if you find errors in grammer and spelling, wordplay and sentance building, do let me know, and you will be rewarded by a surge of dopamine that will be released inside your brain for helping someone whom you haven't even seen or heard.
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