In Serial

The Granddaughter of Time Fantasy Drama Supernatural

8 121 43
Author:Little Help Type:Male

Teresa Hargrove was okay with giving up. She knew the Earth was doomed and there was nothing to be done about it. What she was not okay with was the Future, an enigmatic woman nearly fanatical in her devotion to making a difference, dragging her along — seemingly, to prove her wrong. It turns out though that the Future is very hard to understand.

This story contains heavy themes, including mental illness, existential crisis and death. However, I still tried to eventually convey a message of hope.

Several mythical and metaphorical beings in the shape of humans will appear in most chapters. However, they are not meant to be of a specific ethnicity or social background and are instead perceived differently by people around them. For your reading pleasure, feel free to imagine them any way you’d like, even if your imagination contradicts descriptions from the story.


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