In Serial

Hellfire Across the Heavens Sci-fi Action

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Author:SocialTel Type:Male

Three centuries of FTL space travel has spread the people of Terra far across the stars and for nearly half a millennia people have asked the question, "are we alone in the universe?" The answer to that question is a resounding no. To one side, humanity is boxed in by an ancient empire whose light has burned up long ago. To the other, is a federation of alien races known as the Senate. Mankind rejoiced the knowledge that they were not the only life in a cold dark galaxy. But as first contact was made, ET's who transited into the Warp seemed to disappear without a trace, technologies traded with the other races malfunctioned or refused to work entirely, and simple translation errors led to grave misunderstandings. Before long, humanity was outcasted by the Senate and relationships soured, but even still the sons and daughters of Terra worked hard to earn the respect and trust of the Xeno's. 

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