In Serial

Sweetleaf Cultivation Fantasy Xianxia Comedy Sci-fi Adventure Slice of Life

8 104 22
Author:Psycho Nautilus Type:Male

If you’re reading this. Not cool Dude! Or Dudette. Hashtag Resist. Seriously though, it’s not nice to read other people's diaries. Yes, it's a diary, kind of. The only men who call their diaries journals have an issue with their own masculinity I think. 

Well, I guess I can’t be too angry, considering if this is in anyone else’s hands I’m probably dead. Or I lost it. I lose stuff a lot. 

Since you’re here, regardless of the reason, I guess I’ll tell my story, such as it is. I know, why tell my story when I could tell you about the Fall of Killianor, or the story of when Micha the Bold banded together with his underdog group of misfits to destroy the Pallantine Regime. Hell, even the tale of Tulsa and Gran’s star crossed love affair would probably be better. If you don’t think so after finishing this you more than likely have poor taste. Weird taste, at any rate. 

Hello RR! Welcome to the greatest work of fiction you will ever read!



Did you believe that? Cause its not. At all.

This is my first work that I will have published in any fashion, and to be completely honest is more to gain practice for my real story. That is not to say I do not care about it. I do. I will do my best to finish it in, if not satisying, at least a conclusive manner. I will warn you however that updates will be infrequent at best though chapter length will not be under 2000 words. I work third shift currently, and at over 40 hours a week I do not have much time to really devote to this at the moment. I DO have an outline for the novel complete, but currently only about 5 actual chapters written and edited. 

There will be mistakes, including grammar and continuity, plot holes, etc.. If you see these please either comment or feel free to message me directly, and I will get it updated asap. 

Aside from a fledgeling authors mishaps, expect to find a somewhat comedic slice of life, with a mish mash of xianxia and western fantasy themes, tropes and the like. There will be some gore, network tv levels of sexuality, and absolutely no harems. There will also be COPIUS amount of swearing and drug use and while I said there would be no harems already he may find people in polyamorous situations. 

I hope you enjoy this, and as a last aside I beg of you not to rate it super low without justification, and if you give a bad rating please leave an actual review so that i know what I need to work on. 

*Original cover as of 09/01/20. Mishmash of stock photos and edits. 


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