In Serial

Darkborn Fantasy Sci-fi Adventure Virtual Reality

8 197 48
Author:mroysson Type:Male

The Unbinding series

Arc: The Dark Spiral

Book: Darkborn

Shae is broken. Deeply hurt by life, unable to fit in and without the perspective to understand what the people around her mean by their actions. Her only link to the world around her, a pet cat, dies, and her world is turned upside down. 

When an opportunity presents itself, she grabs onto it, unaware of the part she is made to play in plots that may well determine the fate of mankind.

Forum post:

*** 03-May-2018 

For all intents and purposes, this book is now finished. At least the second pass.

Editing a book is soo much slower than writing it in the first place :(

Book 2 of the Unbinding series, chapter 1 has been submitted, and should be readable any moment now. Please check it out, read it, enjoy it and maybe even comment on it. 

Join me on twitter to get updates on my progress, @mroysson


Cover background Photo by Joel Filipe on Unsplash

Cover design by Al Pearce ( 

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