In Serial

Clockwork Theocracy Mystery Tragedy Comedy Sci-fi

8 85 27
Author:SpiritusAuream Type:Male

May the self-centered belief lead you to peace.
In a world that feeds on minorities, two friends, Forty-one and Forty-two are escaping fate.
With an unwelcome or unexpected visitor Daughter at their tail.
With many times, many tries, and many cries, down, down, and down they go.
Chased by the many elements of the Tower they live in, will they be able to see the stars or touch the soil. 
Can their will and wits suffice to reach the freedom they want to grasp, learning the past on their way?
If not, there is no need to worry as no end is the last in this Experiment. 
In the name of the Mother, Father, and the Family we lead you to peace if you ever give up your stubborn loyalty.

I would like to thank everyone who spend time reading my first original story. I'm looking for improvement, as such all forms of criticism are welcome, if not asked for. I do plan to return to all as none would be of waste.
Also, anyone who would like to help directly is welcome and can message me.
Beta-reading, Proof-reading, and Editing are done by PoliticanSeal.

Editing is done by The_Howitzer 

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