Dungeons and Sewers Fantasy Action Adventure
In the world of x'cel, where the gods have lost interest in the affairs of the mortals to the point where the gods have been forgotten, dungeons have been exterminated with prejudice, where even knowledge about them has been lost among the populace except to the elite of the elite. A world where attaining moderate power and skills takes a lifetime, and powerful artifacts have become extremely rare and national treasures as nobody can create them anymore due to lack of power and skills.
A world-renowned mage spends his free time digging around ancient ruins of places of power. He keeps his interesting finds safe at his well-guarded tower in the capital for safe studying there. As our adventure begins the mage is away, following an old trail that might lead to an undiscovered place of power. A certain group has commissioned a person of high skill but ill repute to obtain the treasures gathered by the mage. This is where the adventure begins.
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