In Serial

The Terran Traveller Action Adventure Supernatural Psychological Horror

8 462 33
Author:ConTroll Type:Male

A dark, science fantasy tale of a man, Subject 513, sent to another world as an experimental test subject.

WARNING: This is not your typical isekai, wish-fulfillment story. You have been warned.

In the year 2022, a mass-transit of test subjects occurred inside the confines of a vast, underground research facility. The 500 or-so individuals taking part in this secret experiment -- labelled: The 1st Beta Phase -- were force-transferred to another world under the direction of Project Prometheus. 

These test subjects had one, singular role: to act as "baseline tests" for future, planned experiments.

Among the individuals taking part in the experiment, was Subject 513…

...sirens blared throughout the 4th Research Facility as an anomalous event transpired within one of the many transfer pods...

“Subject 513: missing. Force-transfer procedure has been cancelled. Foreign matter detected.”

Those were the last words uttered by the life-support system monitoring Subject 513’s vitals, as it shut down indefinitely. 

As 513’s consciousness faded into the void, his physical presence left on Earth crumbled to dust, blanketing the floor of the transfer pod he was stored within, in grey ash...

...when he awoke, the last few years of his life had seemingly been plucked-away from his memories. And to make matters worse, he found himself trapped under the gaze of a ravenous beast, ready to tear him apart...

Join Subject 513 on his grueling journey of struggle, misery, and search for purpose, as he navigates through an unfamiliar world alone.

What to expect:

-Multiple character focus
-Psychological elements
-Under-powered MC
-Atypical Isekai / Transmigration story

My goals are to:

-Become a better writer
-Release on a set schedule: 2-week cycle (currently)
-Create exciting scenarios
-Deliver an immersive experience
-Provide a rich, expansive fictional world

How the chapters are divided:

-Normal chapters provide the Micro aspects of the story
-Interlude chapters provide the Macro aspects of the story
-Supplementary chapters provide side stories and miscellaneous information such as maps and journal entries

Author's Notes:

Feel free to join my Discord server where I update my content status and schedule releases:

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