In Serial

The Interstellar Artship Fantasy Sci-fi Adventure

8 95 20
Author:SanguineSojourner Type:Male

Hello? Traveler? Hi. My name is Silas. I’m the Chronicler around here. Might I entreat you to stay with us a while? We are a meager fleet of artships, eking our way across the charred and shrewd universe. Please, join us around the table and tell us your story. Our lives depend on it.

I’m sure you know this world proves demanding, strange, and lonely. But here we go together, a caravan fleet of spacefarers, challenging the starry frontier, investigating the strangeness. Our warp-drives run on inspiration—a volatile fuel collected from the active minds of the artists, writers, and musicians among us. 

But the clock runs out—the Heartless in their scarships seek to destroy all that is beautiful, systematically deconstructing all creativity in order to fuel their weapons and feed their evil powers. We’ve all been hurt by those hateful devourers. We’ve all lost loved ones. But no more. No more, I say! Together we unite and make our arduous journey to the dreadful Shattered Suns—the home of our enemy. Once and for all the question shall be answered—the path to life shall show itself.


If you would like to read the Artifacts which Silas and the Sojournor crew restore, visit our patreon page.

The Chronicles are cowritten by Paul T. Gibson and Lydia Donaldson.

The fantastic cover art is by the great Kyle Sneed.


Patreon supporters:

Certified Pre-owned Utility Shuttle
Thomas Gibson
The Centennial Hawk (Rae)
Seraphite Storm (Bizarre Bladesong)

The Steel Miner's Extraction Rig
The Washburn Revenge (Manderson)

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