Star God Fantasy Xianxia Action Drama Historical
An ancient, ageless entity of magic intertwines with the essence of a tribal hero and a god is born. In a land where the worship of any entity is banned and punishable by mass-execution, the young and idealistic deity must come to terms with the ugliness of humanity, and find a way for his flock to survive, and maybe even thrive.
A young man born into a mountain tribe treads the path of a hero, but he must learn the extent to which he would go to keep his people and their fledgling god safe and happy.
Enemies are everywhere, and to defend their way of life, they must learn to harness the power of magic. Others are ahead of them in this regard, so they must act fast if they are to survive.
A Xianxia-esque magic system, but with a focus on Western-style spellcasting and mysticism. This is more or less a deconstruction of classical fantasy and pantheons.
The story focuses on two main characters; a God and a hero who serves him. Kingdom building themes are prevalent.
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