Titans of Time Fantasy Romance Action Adventure
Shoes, slave of Miranda Alexia Dawngrove, finds a secret passage beneath his Mistress's mansion. However, it leads nowhere. Not willing to believe that his discovery bore no fruit, Shoes uses whatever free time he has to chip away at the brick walls. He spends the week hoping that the tunnel is actually leading somewhere.
Shoes, slave of Miranda Alexia Dawngrove, finds a secret passage beneath his Mistress's mansion. It leads nowhere. However, Shoes discovers that the wall is damaged at one section. Someone was obviously trying to dig their way somewhere. Hoping he would find a way to escape, Shoes continues chipping away at the wall.
Shoes, slave of Miranda Alexia Dawngrove, finds a secret passage beneath his Mistress's mansion. There is a hole at the end of the corridor, which leads to a dark chamber. Brick walls, low ceiling, the room's only feature is a stone altar in the middle. It's not the escape route Shoes hoped for, but he is happy with his discovery nevertheless. The room could be a perfect hideout.
Shoes, slave of Miranda Alexia Dawngrove, finds a secret chamber beneath his Mistress's mansion. At first glance it seems to be empty, but he notices a straw mattress in one corner. There is a slave uniform on the makeshift bed. As he picks up the clothes, a small wooden figurine falls to the ground. Rough shape, amateurish carving; it's the exact copy of the statuette Shoes has in his pocket.
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