The Djinn's Price Fantasy Tragedy Action Adventure
Albek Shokarov, a teenager struggling to survive in a post-apocalyptic world, unwillingly enters into a contract with an entity he calls the Voice. Something changes inside him on that day, and he soon discovers that he wields a power that gives him a leg-up on the competition—though it comes at a price.
Albek soon learns that the Voice isn’t the only being with an interest in him. He will soon question everything that he thought he knew about himself and his family as he is drawn deeper and deeper into a web of deceit and evil intentions.
We all have a breaking point. Some may be pushed more than others, but everyone has a limit. These are the threads binding us to our identity that, once pulled taut, can't go any further without snapping. When every last thread is cut and we are left to face ourselves in a mirror, will we even recognize the person standing there?
This is a tale of loss, of the powerless achieving power, of gods and men, and of the hatred and ambition that propels the founding of a legend. This is a tale of revenge. Either Albek will break his chains, or they'll break him.
Updating intermittently.
Chapter {{idx}} {{name}}
Chapter 1 Prologue
Chapter 2 Chapter 1
Chapter 3 Chapter 2
Chapter 4 Chapter 3
Chapter 5 Chapter 4
Chapter 6 Chapter 5
Chapter 7 Chapter 6
Chapter 8 Chapter 7 - The Legend of Ghwaze
Chapter 9 Chapter 8 - Math and Magic
Chapter 10 Chapter 9 - That Which Lurks Beneath
Chapter 11 Chapter 10 – Like a Sister
Chapter 12 Chapter 11 - Gaining Momentum
Chapter 13 Chapter 12 – Monsters that Find Us
Chapter 14 Chapter 13 – Recruitment
Chapter 15 Chapter 14 – Moral Practicality