In Serial

The Solipsist Fantasy Comedy Action Adventure

8 113 36
Author:Rot Type:Male

Every novel needs a main character, and in this case, it's a young man named Jacob Bates. Jacob is your average guy who likes books, television, and long walks on the beach. One day, Jacob was diagnosed with a condition that made his body frail and weak. This drove Jacob to focus solely on his studies, ending up becoming a fairly capable guy, despite his condition. The road ahead was looking great! That's when a little scene occurred between Jacob's girlfriend and one of his male classmates. Jacob's mood was a little lower than dirt from thereon. His motivation to pursue his studies, gone. This event caused Jacob to fall into the death grip that is a job in retail. 

One day, while Jacob was mopping the cold floors of the grocery store he worked in, a strange blue screen appeared in front of him, notifying him that the world was going through a change. Now if this change was a good or bad thing, he didn't know. But there was one thing Jacob knew for certain.

He didn't have to mop the floors anymore.

Author's Note: 

(This is my first story, and I would be very thankful if grammatical errors were pointed out. I could also take a few suggestions in the comments if you would. This is less a planned production, and more a little project that I'm winging as it goes. I will try and be consistent with at least 2 chapters a week. Also, as I am a completely new author, the number of words per chapter may fluctuate. The minimum will be around 1000 words, while other chapters may be 2000-3000. It will hopefully only get better with time.)

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