Young bloods (WIP) Comedy Action Adventure Harem Drama School Life Slice of Life
So-called leaders prostituted their people to wars and abuse. They destroyed families, culture and economies; their hands dyed red by the blood of the children, the families trampled by their lecherous motivations and diabolical war machines.
Trained and taught by the Revenants or rather “young bloods” from their war-torn world, we were going to build a better world for us and for the later generations, a world when there shall be no more wars waged over territory, a world where boys and girls can frolic around for all of eternity." -Sasha, Terutan regular army cadet.
‘History is determined by the victors, and here we stand transcended over those who abused us. History is filled with liars, broken promises of eternal prosperity and peace. The more things change, the more things stayed the same: ideology change, location shift but power will always find a place to rest its head. We fought and bled for the adults, the grown men and women who preached of us being their future, preached us of the freedom from tyranny and slavery; no wonder why we hated them so. History is determined by the victor, and there shall be no victors when we’re done.’- Yulia Bronskavya, Red Army Homeguard.
As the first modern war came to a close in November 1st, 1918, rows of passed juveniles laid the battlefields. In the name of some royal fat cats or some shitty national leader, cruelty and crimes were committed against the weak and the vulnerable younglings; in other words, adults were assholes. Their deaths marked a new beginning, a new beginning in a strange and magical land that was and had only been dreamt of in stories and folk tale, they had arrived to Terruta. The first ones regarded themselves as Revenants, heroes who had been able to be reborn in this world and began their adventure to explore this strange foreign land. However, “every coin have two sides, like everyone have two faces”.
'As they left their former life behind, the young soldiers and operators found themselves being deceived, abused and taken advantaged off again by the elders of this world. Many were abused, tortured, raped and sold to slavery, Revenants were quite sought after due to their timeless charm, strength, intellect and immortality, they were unable to be killed no matter what; many were bought and used as pets, slaves and entertainers for their masters’ entertainment. Fed up with the similar treatment and abuse by the adults of this world, many revolted and founded ICC, International Cooperative Coalition.'-Sasaki Kotegawa, JSDF Private.
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