In Serial

Aurora: Apocalypse Fantasy Xianxia Action Adventure Wuxia Drama

8 187 37
Author:Conteur Type:Male

Currently participating in the April 2022 Royal Road Writeathon. This fiction will resume in May 2022

When Methuselah’s star explodes, the world burns under the impact of an extinction level event.
Emmett Carter just wants one thing - to gather his family at the farm and keep them safe. 

Rated [M] for Mature Audiences. Contains Alcohol use, Drug use, Gore, Profanity, Smoking, Violence.
Rated [D] for Drama. Contains emotional themes, interpersonal relationships, and character development.

Author's note: 
You are reading a first draft, written mostly while drinking cheap whiskey. 
Expect it to read like hot garbage and I guarantee that it’ll meet your expectations. 
I’m a storyteller, not a writer - there’s a huge difference between the two professions.

IMPORTANT! This story is told in a first-person limited, conversational style, with Emmett occasionally breaking the 4th wall and addressing the reader directly. This means that YOU and Emmett may have absolutely no idea why stuff is happening, because there will be little or no exposition or other POV's.
Read the comments for spoilers, ask questions if you want to know something.
This work incorporates blended aspects of Xianxia, Wuxia, Super powers, and Western Magic into a post-apocalyptic fantasy adventure. It is none of those things and all those things, mashed together.

The MC is Over Powered, but so are many, many others. He just hasn't met them yet.

Dear Student,

What follows is an adaption of the diary of Emmett Carter before his Ascension.

While the decades during and after the Aurora Apocalypse are lost to us, the Ascended himself has allowed us to publish this work so long as we warn the reader that it may not be entirely accurate or present an unbiased viewpoint of the events.

One should also note that the Aurora was in flux during that time and some things that were possible in the early days are no longer possible, especially with the advent of the Akashic record.

Editors have included footnotes when possible to explain pre-aurora technologies or concepts and how they relate to current magical technologies.

The contents of this work may upset readers. If you’ve ever been in a natural disaster, had a house fire, witnessed a murder, lost a loved one to violence, or have a strong opinion on the sanctity of life, please do not read this. It contains dramatic scenes of a world in the throes of an apocalyptic event. There are no rainbows and unicorns, only loss, uncertainty, and death while the survivors struggle to rebuild their lives.

Updates Thursdays and Sundays for now. Word count is about 2000 ~ 4000ish per chappie.

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